I'm not sure if he's just living in Trinidad or is from there, but Trinidad/Tobago is listed as part of his profile. here's a current thread of his:
The Leological One
JoinedPosts by The Leological One
Hi, i'm from Trinidad!
by Poodles inare there any trinidadians in this forum?
if so, please post, would like to chat!
Placed 6 magazines this morning
by stillajwexelder injust thought i would let you all know, that as part of my ongoing theocratic warfare strategy i placed 6 magazines this morning.
i will be recording about 20 on my time slip though
The Leological One
I get a great thrill out of putting in false time in each month, pulling woll over the elders eyes, giving good upbuilding comments at the hall and so on. The GB have no problem beating the sheep, joining the UN and telling the friends lies and keeping them in permanent eschatoloigical expectancy - so why shouldnt I do something similar?. Let us be truthful most people just put the magazines in the Trash Bin when we have left the door anyway.
Maybe not all, but likely most do. I'd actually ask a JW to take some literature if I agreed to take their's, then when refused, I'd ask how it is that JW's can have the full truth and yet somehow not be strong enough to handle reading something to the contrary at all. That seems like a major weakness, IMO, and I'd then ask if I he/she can't take literature, if he/she would at least be willing to research some older WT literature regarding certain prophecies, etc...
An Apostate Myth
by nicolaou inhaving read both of ray franz' books and more recently 'the gentile times reconsidered' by c. o jonsson you'd be forgiven for believing that losing the 607 b.c.e date for the destruction of jerusalem would end in disaster for the society.
sorry but i just don't think so.. i'm sure many of the long-time witnesses who know the history of the society would truly have problems but most of the dubs just don't care!
think about it, remember all those dubs you used to hang out with.
The Leological One
If dates or doctrine get to hot to prove, they only have to wait for the "true light" revealed in the "book of Brian chap2 verse 6" with the release of "The Newer World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" - 2007.
by juni ina friend told me tonight that the elders broke up a group of sisters who were all experiencing various degrees of depression and enjoyed the upbuilding association with each other.. why would they do this?
according to them for two reasons:.
because this looks bad to the cong.
The Leological One
Our experience was written up in one of the Asleep articles but most of it was watered down the real experience was life changing for me and I'm sure doing that work was the beginning of opening my eyes to venturing outside of the Borg for better information than they offered in their books and mags as well as it gave me a good look at how the Elder's view outside help.
It's good to hear your and others' positive experiences even in the midst of borg oppression, and glad to see you've been able to use some of that to help you get out of the WT's total control over you.
by juni ina friend told me tonight that the elders broke up a group of sisters who were all experiencing various degrees of depression and enjoyed the upbuilding association with each other.. why would they do this?
according to them for two reasons:.
because this looks bad to the cong.
The Leological One
So depression and unhappiness are ok, they just don't want people to know about it.
Man; I'm glad my wife is no longer under the cult's influence. If she was actually getting some uplifting help from hanging out with other women from the cong and some idiot told them they couldn't anymore even though it was helping her and the others to hang out, just because people from the cong were likely just actually worried about gossip (IMO) or even honestly just didn't want it being confirmed via communicating with each other that it's possible (well... LIKELY) depression can hit a JW, I'd have a hard time containing myself from busting brother so-and-so's nose "accidentally" with a guitar, door, or whatever other nearby object could possibly be seen as unweildy and possibly accident-causing and yet fairly painful. Too bad the pain felt by those suffering long-term depression isn't so short-lived. :( Sorry if it sounds like I'm condoning violence -- just trying to convey what type of emotions this type of stupidity can incite.
Turning in my elder book
by What-A-Coincidence indamm!
my good friend who became an elder just recently wants to invite me for service because he wants to talk about a few things with me.
well ... you have not commented in months!
The Leological One
You could use this to your advantage. Use it as proof of some physical problem. Fatigue / Depression / Lack of Concentration / Insomnia.
You don't want to be a distraction to other in attendance and you need to take care of yourself before it gets worse.
Now's your chance to bow out/fade gracefully.
If it comes down to this, this isn't a bad answer, IMO. I've lost contact with a lot of people and events I used to keep up with due to insomnia and other problems that drain energy. It happens, and it causes a lack of motivation to do much. That could be an excuse to use. I hate recommending lying, but when it comes to keeping with your own family and knowing the borg doesn't care about your family staying tight, you've gotta' do what you've gotta' do.
Good luck, and don't let them push you into anything you don't want to be pushed into, conversationwise or otherwise. ;)
Vatican to Muslims: practice what you preach
by Elsewhere inhttp://reuters.myway.com/article/20060223/2006-02-23t175457z_01_l2369100_rtridst_0_news-religion-vatican-muslims-dc.html
vatican to muslims: practice what you preach.
feb 23, 12:54 pm (et).
The Leological One
My stance WILL NOT be liked here, I'm thinking, but most if not all Muslim-majority countries don't have the same freedoms most western countries have, anyway, so I wouldn't expect them to give as much freedom to Christians as western countries gives to Muslims even though I think it's a nice idea.
acWhy do you use the term "Apostate"?
by Trojan ini see that several of you use the term "apostate" or call themselves "apostates".
the problem i have with using the term is that you continue to follow wtbts thinking of "branding and labeling" people.
they charge that word with lots of negativity and label people that have different thoughts.
The Leological One
My view is that I am labled. If that is going to be the case, I might as well try to drop the neg conotation. Redefine what it means for me.
It is a brand of honour to be labeled apostate by the JWs. It means Im thinking for myself.
I see your point but disagree personally.
I've never been a JW (married to an a DF'd JW), but I like to feel I'm an apostate, as well~!
Sad news from Maui
by Makena1 inwe went to our favorite beach, met up with some of our local friends.
we don't have much in the way of details - but heard some devasting news that ari (well known to seattle area exjw's and i am sure by many on the board) killed himself sometime over last weekend.
he was so excited about moving to maui, and starting a new life here.
The Leological One
I just wanted to add that in several conversations with Ary he expressed much pain because his daughters would not speak to him. One daughter was newly married and he told me with anguish on his face "I don't even know her new last name." He also shared that he wanted to visit his mother in Europe and her response was "if you are not a Jehovah's Witness don't bother". Shunning is such a powerful tool, it can cut you to the heart. That sums up how I now feel about the witnesses...they are not a harmless religion, that "works" for those that need rigid rules in their lives...it's a destructive cult that causes loss of self worth to the point of desperation that lead Ary to him taking his own life.... Just like our precious 21 year old daughter did seven years ago when the elders threatened to disfellowship her. That's what makes it especially painful for me, another precious life made to feel so separated from our source and loving co-creator. sabine/js
I fortunately have never been a JW, but my wife is going through the same shunning crap that's hurt so many people on this thread. Damn I wish I could go back in time and do a curb trick on the teeth of the person who dreamt up this whole DF'ing/shunning bs~!
I never knew the guy and am not sure I've ever even read a post of his, but having had a step brother and a really good friend kill themselves, what's happened to Ari as well as your daughter has me pretty upset right now, especially when the shunning he's endured surely comes into play to some degree regardless of other possible reasons behind it.
I feel for anyone else who knew him as well as all who've been going through the whole shunning process. It's sometimes easy for me to just see the funny/silly stuff about the WT to laugh about, but then something always seems to bring things back into focus regarding how many people the WT has and is currently severely hurting.
Peace, and thanks.
Stomach This! Bethel Lecture. You will not find this in WTLIB!!!
by What-A-Coincidence inscroll down to the paragraph with the larger font.
listening to voices of authority.
s herd 12/27/99.
The Leological One
Did he ever say what we're supposed to do when the voice of Jehovah and the voice of his "appointed slave" say different things? :-)
Thanks for this!
Excellent point~!